A new version with improved DynamicHires conversion and various other tweaks.
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Mirror (all versions)
- DynamicHires: various tweaks to reduce artefacting.
- Color reducer: modes 4 and 5 were duplicated to add the ability to select the source palette size. Modes 5 and 7 start calculation from 2 times bigger palette than modes 4 and 6, but are otherwise the same. Modes 4 and 5 often give the most satisfying results.
- NeuQuant cycles regulation. A value of 300 cycles seems to be a good choice for DynamicHires.
- Color bit depth reducer: Atkinson dithering replaced with Bayer (ordered).
- Write ham map option now also generates a second map. It is a grayscale image representing the ham errors. Bright shades represent higher errors.
- Commodore Plus/4 hires conversion (2 colors per 8×8 block or 8×2 in fli mode, 121-color palette).
- Faster C64 multicolor conversion.